Kindle Your Animal Spirit With A Trip to Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo

Kindle Your Animal Spirit With A Trip to Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo

Have you ever fancied spending some quality time with the wild beasts of the jungle? Do not be scared, they will not harm you. Instead, they may give you great joy and some unique memorable experiences to cherish life-long. Are you wondering how and where all this is possible? The answer lies in the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo, situated in the coastal city of Myrtle Beach, in the state of South Carolina, in the USA. It is a wildlife conservation center that is created and maintained by the one man who has more animals surrounding him than human beings, Doctor Bhagavan Antle.

Overview of the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo

This zoo is a rare place where you actually get a chance to befriend wild animals. Doc Antle and his associates have rescued different species of wild animals and have brought them together here, which is their safe haven. A trip to the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo gives you the opportunity to communicate with the rare animals including several types of tigers, chimpanzees, lions, cheetahs, orangutans, elephants, and even the world-famous ‘Liger’. This wildlife reserve is spread across an area of more than 50 acres of land, which you may explore through safari tours, which are meant for all types of tourists except the children below 6 years of age.

T.I.G.E.R.S. and RSF

A trip to the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo provides you with chances of playing with baby cubs of lions and tigers, taking a walk with them, feeding them, and clicking selfies with them!. In this wildlife preservation centre, the animals are allowed to roam around freely instead of being bound in cages. So, if you are looking for a place where these wild animals are given complete freedom, without any restrictions, then the Myrtle Beach Safari Zooo might just be the right place for you.

Top Animal Attractions

The Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo is most famous for the numerous species of animals that the tourists get to witness here. The most popular animals which can be sighted here include:

The Liger named Hercules, who holds the Guinness Book of World Records and is actually a hybrid of a lion and a tiger.

The cheetah named Ramses, who stuns the crowd by running at a break-neck speed of 60 miles per hour.

The African elephant named Bubbles, who was rescued from the hands of the poachers back in the 1980s. You can have a lovely time swimming with Bubbles in her watering hole.

The African Fish Eagle named Ahren, who was rescued from Tanzania and have lived here, ever since. If you visit the zoo, you are sure to be startled by the loud cries of this aristocratic kingly bird.

At the Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo, you can enjoy an adventurous trip of a night safari into the jungles, to view the nocturnal lives of these wild animals. But, just before you book your tickets, please note that any kind of cameras and cell phones are not allowed inside the premises of this forest. Also, ensure that you wear white clothes and closed-toe shoes once you step into the forest safari.


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