Myrtle Beach Safari and its Majestic Animals

Myrtle Beach Safari and its Majestic Animals Visiting Myrtle Beach Safari is not the same as entering a zoo. Here, you can meet and interact with its inhabitants and even feed some of them, unlike a zoo. Play with wolf and tiger cubs, see the world’s largest cat, hug an African elephant, and play ball with a chimpanzee. You can choose from a variety of experiences and make lifelong moments to remember. All this in Myrtle Beach Safari while offering support to wildlife conservation. In 1983, Doc Bhagavan Antle founded The Institute for Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (T.I.G.E.R.S.), with which he intends to encourage worldwide conservation of wild animals. Many of the animals you see here are endangered and exquisite. Antle believes that offering the opportunity to interact with these animals can educate the public about how important the safekeeping of the wildlife is for this planet. Learn about some of the main animal attractions this sanc...